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Can I retrieve a deleted note?
Yes, you can. Every time you erase a note, it gets archived and you will not be able to see it next to your other current notes, however the data is never lost. This way, your information is always traceable and you are able to recover anything you might need.
To retrieve a deleted note:
- Access the project containing the deleted notes
- Tap the “☰” icon on the top right corner
- Check the “Deleted” box under “Show” to show all your deleted notes
- To restore the deleted note, tap the circle arrow icon that corresponds to the note you want to restore located on the right side of the app
- Access the project containing the deleted notes
- Select “Trash” on the left-side menu to visualize all your deleted elements
- Press and hold the note you wish to restore until a pop-up menu appears then select “Restore” to finalize
- Access the project containing the deleted notes
- Select “Filters (0)”
- A pop-up menu on the right will appear
- Click on “Deleted elements” to display all your deleted notes
- Select any of the deleted notes to access the information
- To restore the deleted note, go over the “···” icon on the top left corner of the thumbnail
- Select the circle arrow icon on the top left corner to restore it